Well HEY! After a good 6 month or so hiatus, I got the itch to blog again. And what better way to start out the new year but with a new blog design? Do y'all like it??? Loved working with Kate at 17th Avenue Design Shop for my new look.
So, where have I been? That's another (lengthy) post for another day. For now, I'm just going to concentrate on the past weekend and a look ahead into 2013.
Chris (yes, that's the mysterious Mr. R, he gets a name this year) and I had a lazy/productive weekend at our abode. Friday night it was our favorite Mexican dinner and then a quick jaunt to Target for a heating pad for my shoulder and neck. BEST.THING.EVER. Then I obliged Chris by watching not one but TWO videos of Phish's New Years shows via his new sound bar for our TV that he got from Santa. Not going to lie, they were pretty good, but the New Years countdown was a little crazy. Midgets, golf carts and balloons!!

Saturday we ran some oh, so exciting errands (I have never seen Costco so packed) and got really lazy on the couch. I caught up on about six episodes of Chicago Fire since my co-worker had been raving about it while my three boys did this:
Sunday we were up early finally taking down Christmas and then decided it was a great day to repaint our downstairs. I have hated the original paint color since we put it up, it literally looks like white, and with an EXCITING baby shower I'm hosting at the end of the month, now seemed as good as time as ever and we are SO happy with the change. Its still a work in progress so this coming weekend will be filled with more paint fumes. Here's what we have so far.
left side is old grey--right side is new grey (Valspar Notre Dame from Lowes) |
RIGHT at the very end, someone decided he wanted to help us and ended up looking like a raccoon. Any ideas on how to get this out??
We capped of the evening with a yummy steak and potato dinner, red wine, and curled up to watch 'Its Complicated.' I can't wait to watch Downton on DVR!!!
We were also blessed yesterday that my sweet Grandaddy came home from a stay in the hospital from pneumonia. He will celebrate his 90th birthday in March. I am so excited to see him in two weeks in Virginia! My aunt snapped this picture after he got home yesterday, enjoying the Redskins-Seahawks game. I love you Grandaddy!
LOVE the new look! I think it's about time for mine to get one, too. Glad your grandaddy was able to come home from the hospital! Your weekend sounded a lot like ours...minus the painting. :)